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Major Signs in Islam: Key Events Before the Final Day

Major Signs in Islam: Key Events Before the Final Day

In the vast tapestry of Islamic eschatology, there are several major signs that are believed to herald the arrival of the Final Day, also known as the Day of Judgment. These signs hold immense significance in Islamic tradition and have been a subject of contemplation and discussion for centuries. In this comprehensive article, we will delve into the major signs in Islam, exploring the profound events that are anticipated to occur before the Final Day.

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction: The Concept of Major Signs
  2. The Arrival of the False Messiah (Dajjal)
  3. The Emergence of Imam Mahdi
  4. The Return of Prophet Jesus (Isa)
  5. The Sun Rising from the West
  6. The Beast of the Earth (Dabbat al-Ard)
  7. The Smoke (Al-Dukhan)
  8. The Sinking of the Earth (Tazkiah al-Ard)
  9. The Three Landslides
  10. The Fire in Yemen (Ad-Dukhan in Yemen)
  11. The Return of the Lost Ark (Tabut al-Sakina)
  12. The Wind That Takes the Souls
  13. The Lunar Eclipse on the 1st Night of Ramadan
  14. The Destruction of Kaaba
  15. The Gog and Magog (Yajuj and Majuj)
  16. Conclusion

Introduction: The Concept of Major Signs

In Islamic tradition, the Final Day, or Yawm al-Qiyamah, is a day when all human beings will be resurrected for judgment by Allah. The arrival of this momentous day is marked by various signs, known as the major signs in Islam. These signs are believed to be clear indicators of the impending arrival of the Final Day and are outlined in prophetic traditions.

The Arrival of the False Messiah (Dajjal)

One of the most well-known major signs is the appearance of the Dajjal, often referred to as the False Messiah. The Dajjal is believed to be a deceiver who will emerge and spread chaos and confusion in the world. He will claim to be divine and lead many astray before being defeated by Imam Mahdi.

The Emergence of Imam Mahdi

Imam Mahdi is a messianic figure in Islam who is expected to appear before the Day of Judgment. He is prophesied to restore justice and righteousness in the world, leading a global revolution against tyranny and oppression. His arrival is seen as a harbinger of hope.

The Return of Prophet Jesus (Isa)

In Islamic eschatology, it is believed that Prophet Jesus (Isa) will return before the Final Day. His return will signify a period of peace and harmony, and he will play a pivotal role in defeating the Dajjal.

The Sun Rising from the West

A dramatic celestial event, the reversal of the sun’s rising from the east to the west, is a major sign in Islam. This occurrence will shake the foundations of belief and serve as a wake-up call to humanity.

The Beast of the Earth (Dabbat al-Ard)

The emergence of a mysterious creature known as Dabbat al-Ard is another significant sign. This creature will speak to humanity and bear witness to their deeds, further emphasizing the impending judgment.

The Smoke (Al-Dukhan)

A great smoke is prophesied to engulf the world, causing distress and confusion. This sign serves as a precursor to the events of the Final Day.

The Sinking of the Earth (Tazkiah al-Ard)

The sinking of the earth in various places is one of the major signs. This event will lead to the emergence of treasures hidden beneath the surface.

The Three Landslides

Three massive landslides are foretold, resulting in the swallowing of entire communities. These events will serve as a stark reminder of the power of Allah.

The Fire in Yemen (Ad-Dukhan in Yemen)

A fire erupting from Yemen is among the major signs. It will gather people, drawing their attention to the impending judgment.

The Return of the Lost Ark (Tabut al-Sakina)

The return of the Lost Ark of the Covenant, a sacred relic, is considered a sign of the Final Day.

The Wind That Takes the Souls

A wind that takes the souls of believers is a sign that the Final Day is approaching.

The Lunar Eclipse on the 1st Night of Ramadan

A lunar eclipse on the first night of Ramadan is a celestial event marking the approaching Day of Judgment.

The Destruction of Kaaba

The destruction of the Kaaba, the most sacred site in Islam, is a shocking event that signifies the end of an era.

The Gog and Magog (Yajuj and Majuj)

The release of Gog and Magog, destructive forces, is a major sign that will bring chaos and devastation.


The major signs in Islam are profound reminders of the ultimate reality of the Final Day. While their exact nature and sequence are subjects of interpretation, they serve as a call to reflect on one’s actions and prepare for the Hereafter. These signs underscore the importance of faith, righteousness, and accountability in the life of a believer.


1. What are the major signs in Islam?

The major signs in Islam are a set of events and occurrences believed to herald the arrival of the Final Day, or the Day of Judgment. They include the appearance of the False Messiah (Dajjal), the emergence of Imam Mahdi, the return of Prophet Jesus (Isa), and various celestial and earthly phenomena.

2. Are the major signs in Islam mentioned in the Quran?

While some major signs are alluded to in the Quran, most of the details about these signs are found in the Hadith (sayings and actions of the Prophet Muhammad).

3. How should believers prepare for the major signs?

Believers are encouraged to strengthen their faith, perform acts of worship, seek forgiveness, and engage in righteous deeds as a means of preparation for the major signs and the Hereafter.

4. Is the sequence of the major signs fixed?

The sequence of the major signs is a matter of interpretation and may vary among Islamic scholars and traditions.

5. What is the significance of the major signs in Islamic theology?

The major signs serve as a reminder of the transient nature of this world and the importance of faith and accountability in the Hereafter. They call upon believers to reflect on their actions and strive for righteousness.

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